
Showing posts from March, 2021

Kidneys and Goofy Grins

  “Kidneeeys!” she said, pointing to the place on her head where the brains should be. That was my sister in her obnoxious period, which lasted a really long time. The Kidneys-for-brains response happened whenever someone made a stupid decision; like jumping off the roof with an umbrella, thinking that would help slow the descent, or leaving your shoes in the common-space, (my father’s pet peeve; he would hide them – separately). My sister would pipe up and reinforce just how stupid your decision was. Thanks to Beachbum07720 in insta I found myself hearing her voice in my head as I was watching the first rays of dawn come up on my left. I was driving an hour South to go surfing at dawn in January. The commitment to surfing in the cold winter air and ocean may rank right up there with egging the cop cars, (I only did that once), but there I was.    Anticipating cold water surfing is always a battle of wills. Part of my brain is saying, “What if my wetsuit has a leak I don’t know about?